About Us

We’re two Fort Collins-based moms of (almost) tweens. Over the course of many family dinners, with our kids hooting and hollering, running in one door and out another, we got to talking about our fears as our kids enter their tween/teen years. At the top of our list was our kid’s relationship to and involvement with technology. We’d read stories about the possible horrors and pitfalls of teens and technology (e.g., screen addiction, cyberbullying, online predators) and allowed our minds to conjure up worst-case scenarios, as parents are prone to do. We realized that if we had any chance of success in parenting through the difficult years ahead, we needed to replace fear with knowledge.

From the dinner table to the computer screen, we went to work to find a source of curated information that helped us navigate our path forward. We couldn’t find it, so we created it in the form of an honest and realistic newsletter about parenting and technology. With Amanda’s background in online subscription-based business consulting and Megan’s in research and writing the newsletter format played to our strengths.

In combining our two skill sets, ITKparent was born. ITK stands for “in the know” and the newsletter is free for all parents, caregivers, and educators. We aim to take parents from a place of fear of technology and kids to a place of confidence, so they can tackle whatever challenges this realm of parenting throws their way.

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ITK (in the know) parent is a free newsletter for parents, caregivers, educators -- anyone who wants to learn more about kids and technology!


We're the creators of ITKParent.com, a newsletter for aspiring tech savvy parents of tweens and teens.